About Us
Corresponsables de Dios - Stewards of God is an organization committed with the idea of implementing programs and services to create an environment conducive to lasting solutions in the areas of stewardship, and planned giving focused mainly on the Latino community in the Catholic Church.

Contact Koren
Koren Ruiz has served over the past seventeen years as Youth minister, Multicultural Educator, School Administrator, Loan Officer, Music Composer, Professional Translator, Choir Director, Liturgical Presenter, and Fundraising Consultant. He is a bilingual/bicultural native Spanish speaker originally from Sinaloa Mexico; but he has resided in the United States for the past 17 years.
While being a Fundraising Consultant with O’Meara Ferguson, Koren provided capital stewardship campaign consulting, Stewardship Enhancement Initiatives, workshops, and parish leadership team training on fundraising based on the principles of Christian stewardship at multiple English speaking and bilingual parishes. He led numerous successful parish capital campaigns in many places that include the Archdioceses of Milwaukee Wisconsin, the Archdioceses of Louisville Kentucky, the Diocese of Las Cruces New Mexico, the Archdiocese of Detroit Michigan, and the Archdioceses of Chicago Illinois. He is currently a popular speaker at Stewardship
conferences and has produced a number of podcasts and videos on stewardship for the Latino population.
In addition to his work with Stewardship in different parishes, Koren is currently a Published Composer, Artist, and Workshop Presenter for Oregon Catholic Press. He holds true that music is the best evangelical tool given to us. With a passion for service and stewardship, Koren has embodied that belief through more than a decade of involvement in music ministry and composition. Often ministering alongside his wife
Jessica, Koren leads parishes across the nation in concerts, music for liturgical prayer events, formational events, and workshops on Christian Stewardship, as well as Guitar-centered skill building like “Guitar Rhythms” and “The guitar Player in the Liturgical Setting.” He has about a dozen songs published with OCP, and recently released his first OCP published album titled “Tu Me Sostendras”.
Koren holds a Bachelor of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Organizational Psychology from Western Oregon University. He also holds an MBA (Master’s degree in Business Administration) from the University of Portland.
When he is not traveling, he serves the community of Ascension Parish in Portland OR, as a choir director. Koren and his wife reside in Portland, Oregon with their two children, Axel and Levin.

Contact Jessica
Jessica has served as a Choir Director, Cantor, Recording Artist, and Multicultural Events Director, Student Outreach Coordinator, and Academic Adviser over the past ten years. Her gifted voice has led many communities in liturgical settings and in concerts throughout the Archdioceses of Portland and beyond, and has been part of several OCP recordings.
Jessica is a very passionate musician and singer; she strongly believes that music is a way of expressing multiple feelings and ideas, but when music is utilized to praise and worship God, it elevates to a deeper and higher level. She ministers alongside her husband Koren leading concerts, liturgical prayer events, and formation workshops for liturgical musicians in different Dioceses. In 2010 they released their first collection “Tendré Fe”, and have made a couple of music videos for their songs“Cuando A Tu Lado Estoy” and “Todo Lo Que Soy”. They are currently working on their second album.
She has also participated in the OCP Instituto event series, and has recorded several songs with OCP
including, “Vengo a Dar Gracias” on the collection Quiero Responder Que Si: 15 cantos para celebrar los Quince Años.
She also has served in the field of education as a Student Outreach Coordinator, and Academic Adviser at a community college for the past six years, supporting and motivating prospective students to obtain a degree by presenting workshops, hosting one-on-one advising sessions, and by going out to community events to share her background in education in hopes of encouraging others to continue theirs.
Jessica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Western Oregon University. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Organizational Leadership from Warner Pacific College.
She serves the community of Ascension Parish in Portland OR, as a choir director. Jessica and her husband reside in Troutdale, Oregon with their two children, Axel and Levin.